The Roof to Room AI optimization suite for data centers


We cut data center costs by optimizing your site’s cooling energy uses and give insights on where potential operational problems can occur in the future. Coolgradient monitors your sites continuously without interfering with your current infrastructure. No external sensors, devices or network needed.

green growth

Customers, regulators ánd society are all demanding efficient usage of energy to support SDG’s.

Our platform increases this energy efficiency by balancing the cooling energy supply with demand. This leads to effective changes in specific setpoints but also hardware setup. Valuable lessons for current and new cooling infrastructures.

reliable operations

Assets behave differently through time and (external) conditions, impacting both tear & wear and efficiency. 

By fingerprinting those assets, given specific conditions, we can predict performance and maintenance. Preventing unwanted failures and keeping your infrastructure safe and sound at all times.

grasp complexity

Traditional engineering formulas fail to capture the complex interdependencies within a DC caused by the interactions between mechanical & electrical equipment, along with their setpoints and control schemes.

Welcome AI! The neural networks are able to detect those interdependencies and extract the ones that impact your site performance most.

surpass skills shortage

As sites grow in size, complexity increases. This requires more and more experienced personnel to ensure a reliable and efficient site operation. However, experience is hard to find.

Our Digital TwinRecommendation Engine and Root Cause analysis ensure focus ánd support on what matters most to run your site at its best.



The platform uses existing sensors from the DCIM systems, no matter the asset or domain (cooling, power,…).

digital twin and recommendation engine

All insights from the AI models are transformed into a digital twin, recommendation engine and root cause analysis to continuously optimize sites.

Improving PUE, maintenance and design!

ai models

The platform hosts a multitude of Machine Learning models, which cover a wide array of complex interrelationships across the whole site.

The models are being trained and deployed continuously, based on new data emerging.

infrastructure agnostic data

All sensor readings across all assets and domains are transformed into analyzable data.

The platform uses the latest proven big data technologies to process these huge amounts of sensor readings in an efficient and secure way.



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